Teaching with Strabo

These exercises have been constructed to provide students with virtual field experiences based in StraboSpot. We provide PDF with text entry fields that are 'ready to go' as well as Word documents, in case instructors would like to make changes to better fit their course. Feedback is welcome - please direct any questions or comments to the authors listed on the exercise.

1. Baraboo Field Experience:

This exercise guides students through a series of stops within Proterozoic metamorphosed and folded sediments and the overlying Cambrian rocks exposed in south-central Wisconsin. Students gain practice in recognizing and describing deformational structures in the 'field'.

2. SedStrat Virtual Field Camp:

This module provides two data sets and a flexible framework for teaching sedimentology and stratigraphy using the Sed options in StraboSpot. The module is based around an exposure of fluvial clastic sediments of the Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation near Green River, UT and a double road-cut exposure of the mixed clastic-carbonate Jurassic Carmel Formation in the Justensen’s Flats area of the San Rafael Swell, UT. The module is divided into three sequential activities: 1) using StraboSpot as a field notebook, locating spots on a map, and adding general lithologic observations for a hand-sample of the student's choice; 2) differentiating and describing lithofacies at either the Cedar Mountain or Carmel exposures; and 3) either a qualitative exploration of stratigraphic sections using the provided Carmel measured section and outcrop images or constructing a measured section using lithologic data and outcrop images with 3D outcrop model images.

The materials and data available in this Strabo project can also be found here: