Data collection reimagined.

Free, open-source, database and software suite for geologists
StraboSpot is a geologic data ecosystem for collecting, storing, and sharing field and lab data, designed with the workflow of geologists in mind. The StraboSpot ecosystem includes a central database and three applications: StraboField, StraboMicro, StraboExperimental.
A Mobile App for Working in the Field.
The StraboField app is available for both iOS and Android phones or tablets. With StraboField you can collect geologic data, including measurements, images, notes, and stratigraphic columns. Work offline or online, using built-in basemaps, or upload your own. StraboField is used by researchers, teachers, and professionals.
Try out StraboField for data collection or adapt our accessible virtual field courses.
A Desktop App for Working in the Micro Scale.
StraboMicro is a desktop application for managing microstructural images and data. StraboMicro uses a hierarchical organization scheme to enable seamless observations at multiple scales while preserving spatial context. Nest various data types (e.g. optical and electron microscopy micrographs) and attach quantitative datafiles to samples and spots. Effortlessly link StraboField samples with StraboMicro for a continuous workflow.
A Web App for Gathering Experimental Data.
StraboExperimental is an online application aimed to connect experimental rock deformation facilities worldwide. Catalog your experiments including apparatus information, data acquisition system settings, post processing calibrations, experimental variables, and sample properties.
Add images, files, and run data to your experiment.
Below are sections containing more information about StraboSpot.
See what we are working on and with whom!
How to cite StraboSpot in your research, posters, and presentations.
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Review public datasets in StraboField, Micro, and Experimental.
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Review our data privacy and trust policies to see how your data is protected.
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